“Pour toi is catabasis, regression to the underworld: the hell of relationships, and that of the self mortified by dissension. Fade and unbreathable, dim light and darkness. A dream scenario emerges on the horizon, a celebration of nightmares, which expresses the condition of the victims in the effort to get rid of their own and other people’s ghosts.” – Vincenzo Sardelli, KLP Teatro
Concept, Direction, Lights and Scenic Space by Paolo Panizza
Texts by Agnes Oberauer and Paolo Panizza
Dramaturg Agnes Oberauer
Sound Artist Stefano Mattozzi
Video Artist Juan Fran Cabrera
Costume Design Regina Celeste Braida
Assistant Director Edoardo Ferrari
With Lea Blau, Juan Fran Cabrera, Giulio Cagnazzo, Maya Libera Castellini, Manuel Macadamia and Marica Mastromarino
Thanks to Spazio Lambrate for the artistic residency
PREMIERE 22nd of March 2022 / Teatro Out Off, Milan

Pour Toi: an immersive performance around toxic love.
An unknown place, at times a slaughterhouse.
A black space, strewn with yellowed letters and many empty, overturned, stacked chairs. Four microphones sway like pendulums. In the proscenium a plastic membrane separates the audience from the stage space.
It frames the view like a photo, acts as a filter giving partial vision: like a Polaroid it gradually shows its image. Selective, as in relationships, where only what we want to see is shown.
A performance between presence and absence.
On what is contradictory and annihilating in a love. On what remains of it.
Small gestures, steps, breaths, noises of the performers form echoes, sound memories, which are reworked live by the sound artist. A soundscape comes to life every night.
A sonic element that becomes a performer and that envelops the audience and makes them participate in the scenic action.